Purchase and download product

  After you have added the item to your cart, you have the option to pay using the payment system PRODAMUS.
Suitable for payment cards Visa, MasterCard, MIR.
Once you have paid for the goods, it becomes available for download. We recommend downloading the model immediately after the acquisition, since we are not the owners of the goods and the goods can be deleted at any time at the request of the author.

The product may not be sold or transferred to another person or organisation in the form in which it was downloaded from the Website.

The Operating Licence is strictly limited to the included product. Any distribution or sale of a product which is not an Incorporated Product is strictly forbidden. For example, it is allowed to use it:

– to create static or animated images;

– to create video games as part of the visual content of the game, however, provided that the users of the game do not have the opportunity to save this product outside of this game;

– to create printed images on t-shirts, posters or any other subjects;

– as part of a physical object, such as a toy, a doll or a model of something

If you use the product in software (such as video games, simulators or virtual worlds), you must take all reasonable actions to prevent the end user from gaining access to the product. The product protection methods shall include, but shall not be limited to:

– the use of a proprietary disc format, such as Xbox, PlayStation, etc.;

– the use of a proprietary product format;

– the use of your own database or password-protected database for storing the product data;

– the encryption of the product data.


  Taking into account the nature of the digital content, the purchase may be returned only if the product does not match its description on the product page.

CG.MARKET will not consider return requests in the following situations:

   – you change your mind to buy this product;

   – you bought the product by mistake;

   – you do not have enough experience to use this product;

   – you no longer have access to the product, due to its removal from the base of the Website.

Effective date: 27 April 2023.